Modders and Cloud Chasing Go Hand In Hand
Perhaps you have heard of vaping and assume that it is just some electronic means of smoking. It's actually a lot more involved than that, if you want to experience the thrill of cloud chasing. What do I mean by that? Many experienced vape users consider themselves to be professional vapers. This is because they enter various contest for producing the most extreme clouds of vapor. That's right. There are competitive vaping contests where the competitors come together to compete for the most extr
Nov 26th 2016
The True Vape Art of Stealth Vaping
The fun part about vaping is blowing large clouds of vapor. However, there are those few instances when you need your dose of nicotine without alerting the whole world. In these cases, the art of stealth vaping come in handy. For those who are yet to learn the secret of stealth vaping, here is an explanation of what it’s all about. What is Stealth VapingThis is the art of vaping where the vapor aims at producing a minimal amount of vapor. Minimizing the visibility of vapor allows you reduce
Nov 19th 2016
The HexOhm V2 110 Watt OKL-T20 uses
the OKL2-T/20-W12 Chip and supports voltage that ranges from 3.3 volts to 6
volts. This MOD is designed to run up to 20 AMPs, and it’s rated for 110Watts
SPRING LOADED 510 CONNECTION.This is a regulated box MOD powered
by Dual 18650 wired in Series and features a Spring-Loaded 510 allowing
Atomizer to sit flush on the box. Just like the 50Watt, the 110 Watt's
made from an aluminum enclosure with a M
Oct 30th 2016
Yes, Storing E-Liquid In The Refrigerator Can Be A Bad Thing!
There has been a lot of discussion
among vapers over whether it's okay or not to put e-liquid in the refrigerator
to prolong the amount of time it can be safely stored. Anyone with knowledge on
the proper storage of e-liquids knows that they should be kept in a cool, dark
place away from sunlight and other sources of heat. But is it necessarily okay
to store them in the fridge to meet these requirements, despite the type of
material the bottle is made of?One of the reasons storage in the
Oct 30th 2016
Demystifying RBAs
The rebuildable
dripping atomizer (RDA) has a deck that you build on that holds a wire, coil,
and wick. The vaper drips e-liquid
directly onto the wick and vapes. Although, the they must be consistently re-dripping
liquid onto the wick to continue vaping, the wick will usually hold enough juice
to vape up to twenty hits before re-dripping. This may be more inconvenient for
those who are traveling with their devices, however, the flavor and vapor
production usually make the perfect hit alm
Oct 30th 2016