Not All Vape Coils Are Created Equally
In the world of vaping, the options
before us seem endless as the industry explodes to meet the demand of over 9
million regular users. With so many different setups to choose from, deciding
what fits your needs can be anything but simple, and if you aren’t careful, the
coils and device you choose may not fit your needs or perform as you expected.
You could end up spending a lot more money in the long run trying to figure out
what works best for you through trial and error. Different coils
Jun 29th 2017
Keep Those Coils Lasting Longer Vapers!
If you're new to the world of vaping, or still in the early stages of it, then the hobby in general can take some time to adjust to. With a good amount of unique working parts that all require regular maintenance of some sort, on occasion it
can be hard to troubleshoot a problem which interferes with your overall vaping
experience. It may be difficult early on to understand if the problem lies within
your tank, battery, or even your coil.It may be helpful to
know, that 9 out of the 10 times
Apr 30th 2017
Why Are Competitive Vapers Drawn to RDAs For Cloud Competitions?
Vaping only gets better with experience. There are endless
lessons and with each new one, your vaping experience is enhanced. As a newbie
to the vape world, you most likely started with the regular electronic cigarettes
and clearomizers. After
sometime, you then started building coils to enhance your vapor production and
flavor. Every experienced vaper knows that they have two options when it comes
to rebuilding coils - Dripping atomizers and tanks. But I tend to advocate for
dripping tan
Feb 26th 2017
Vape Tanks For E-Cigs, Vaporizers, and MODs Are Not The Same
E-Liquid MixtureAn e-juice is the key ingredient to
using vapor. This concoction is a blend of specific amounts of VG and PG.
Additionally, a large variety of flavors has been created to please the user's
taste-buds. Frankly, any type of flavor can be developed, varying from a smooth
tobacco to a sour apple flavor. Moreover, the tank is the reservoir that holds
the e-liquid. Electronic cigarettes, vapor tanks, and sub-ohm tanks hold these
fluids for easy transfer into the micro-sized
Dec 2nd 2016