How Effective is Nicotine-Free E-Juice?
Review and Uses of Nicotine Free E-JuiceVaping e-cigarettes is becoming one of the most preferred methods to have a smoking-like experience, and one exceptionally interesting thing is that it is possible to purchase nicotine free e-juice. This kind of e-juice does not contain any addictive nicotine, and so it is something that is commonly consumed by vapers who do not want to avoid nicotine. There are a number of things to know about nicotine free e-juice including of course, how it compare
Apr 25th 2017
The Confusion: Smoke and Vapor
For new or
experienced vapers, one of the most frustrating aspects of the experience is
the lack of knowledge about vaping by the general public. When most people who
don't vape see someone vaping, they’ve a tendency to assume the vaper is
smoking tobacco or some other harmful substance. In reality, while many do
start vaping as a way to quit smoking, the fact is that the two have little to
do with each other, particularly when it comes to health risks or second-hand
smoke.Many Smokers Qu
Sep 14th 2016