King's Crest

King's Crest

  • Don Juan Custard | King's Crest | 120ml

    King Crest

    Don Juan Custard | King's Crest | 120ml

    Don Juan Custard Don Juan Custard is a rich and indulgent e-liquid that captures the decadent essence of butter pecan pie. With velvety custard and buttery, nutty pecans, each inhale delivers a smooth, sweet flavor reminiscent of a fresh-baked dessert...
  • Don Juan Tabaco Honey | King's Crest | 120ml

    King's Crest

    Don Juan Tabaco Honey | King's Crest | 120ml

    Don Juan Tabaco Honey Don Juan Tabaco Honey is a complex rich blend of flavors. Our legendary Don Juan Reserve flavor has been brought to new levels with the addition of a smooth Honey Tabaco. This pairing was crafted after our love for delicious...
  • Don Juan Tabaco Dulce | King's Crest | 120ml

    King's Crest

    Don Juan Tabaco Dulce | King's Crest | 120ml

    DON JUAN TABACO DULCE The final piece in the popular Don Juan Collection is Don Juan Tabaco Dulce. A sweet chocolate tabaco that blends the traditional savory notes of tabaco and chocolate. An everyday vape for anyone.
  • Don Juan Peanut | King's Crest | 120ml

    King Crest

    Don Juan Peanut | King's Crest | 120ml

    Don Juan PEANUT by King's Crest combines all of the tastes you love from the original Don Juan e-juice, such as chocolate and nuts, with a delicious peanut butter flavor to create a deep, rich e-liquid taste. The E-Juice comes in a VG/PG ratio of...
  • Don Juan Supra Reserve | King's Crest | 120ml

    King Crest

    Don Juan Supra Reserve | King's Crest | 120ml

    King's Crest Don Juan Supra Reserve 120ml E-JuiceThe King's Crest Don Juan Supra Reserve 120ml E-Juice combines the taste of chocolate cake with cookies wrapped in pecan butter and topped with whipped cream complemented by the distinctive hint of...
  • Don Juan Churro | King's Crest | 120ml

    King Crest

    Don Juan Churro | King's Crest | 120ml

    Don Juan Churrio captures the irresistibly sweet and savory flavors of a deep-fried churro covered in sugar and dipped in rich velvety chocolate. If you've never tasted this traditional Spanish dessert flavor you're in for an amazingly delicious taste...
  • Don Juan Aldonza | King's Crest | 120ml

    King Crest

    Don Juan Aldonza | King's Crest | 120ml

    Don Juan Aldonza E-Liquid is a sophisticated blend of chocolate butter pecan pie with a rich graham cracker crust topped off with whipped cream and delicate notes of tobacco and vanilla aged in American oak barrels. Aldonza is a masterfully crafted juice...
  • Duke | King's Crest | 120ml (closeout) Duke | King's Crest | 120ml (closeout)

    King's Crest

    Duke | King's Crest | 120ml (closeout)

     A cream, vanilla, custard, unique and indescribable undertones that will keep your mouth watering all day. You won't want to put this flavor down throughout the day. If you've been looking for a new and unique custard, than you have come to the...
  • Don Juan Cafe | King's Crest | 120ml

    King Crest

    Don Juan Cafe | King's Crest | 120ml

     Don Juan Cafe' e-liquid is an exquisitely crafted mochaccino blend of artisanal coffee and rich chocolate with a luxuriously sweet and creamy finish. This extraordinary vapor captures the smooth rich flavors of a classic mocha espresso...
  • Duchess | King's Crest | 120ml | 3mg (closeout)

    King's Crest

    Duchess | King's Crest | 120ml | 3mg (closeout)

     This amazing creamy tres leches flavor will blow your mind! This softly sweetened milk cake all day vape is one of the best juices we have ever tried; and we aren't under exaggerating. This juice is silky, not too sweet, smooth, and fantastically...