

  • Hoops | Salty Man | 100ml

    Salty Man E-Liquid

    Hoops | Salty Man | 100ml

    Hoops is a flavorful blend of fruity cereal. The blend of fruits creates the same taste as cereal fresh out of the box. 60% VG
  • Chew | Salty Man | 100ml

    Salty Man E-Liquid

    Chew | Salty Man | 100ml

    Like old school bubblegum eliquid flavors? Well then you came to the right place. Chew is a unique Strawberry Watermelon Bubblegum flavored nicotine salt e-liquid. 60% VG
  • 7 Pound Up Cake | Salty Man | 100ml

    Salty Man E-Liquid

    7 Pound Up Cake | Salty Man | 100ml

    7 Pound Up Cake is a sweet and savory flavor that fuses the famous southern dish with a unique nicotine salt infused flavoring. A smooth lemon lime inhale transforms into a thick buttery pound cake topped with the perfect amount of glazed icing, creating...