• Key Lime Cookie | Ripe Vapes | 60ml & 120ml options

    Ripe Vapes

    Key Lime Cookie | Ripe Vapes | 60ml & 120ml options

    $17.99 - $35.99
    Key-lime cookie by Ripe Vapes - This inspired Joose has wonderful sweet/tart notes of key lime, commingled with the flavor of warm baked cookies. Delicious and uniquely crafted for everyone to enjoy.
    $17.99 - $35.99
  • VCT (Vanilla-Custard-Tobacco) | Ripe Vapes | 60ml & 120ml options

    Ripe Vapes

    VCT (Vanilla-Custard-Tobacco) | Ripe Vapes | 60ml & 120ml options

    $17.99 - $29.99
    This sophisticated joose is sure to leave you desiring more. Sweet and sexy vanilla custard up front, with a rich finish tasting of fine tobacco and a hint of toasted almond. Aimed to please the novice, or the distinguished smoker. 75% VG
    $17.99 - $29.99