Saucy Eliquid

Saucy Eliquid

  • Tangerine | Saucy | 60ml


    Tangerine | Saucy | 60ml

    An explosion of icy cold, tangy, citrus flavors that will make your mouth feel like an island paradise. We gather the perfect ingredients for a grapefruit flavor that’s chilled, tangy with a ripened balance of that citrusy sweet and sour taste...
  • Apple Mint Tobacco | Saucy Eliquid | 60ml

    Saucy Salts

    Apple Mint Tobacco | Saucy Eliquid | 60ml

    Apple Mint Tobacco by Saucy Classics presents freshly harvested crisp apples from the orchard mixed with sweet aromatic mint along with the fusion of toasted tobacco engulfs the palate. Saucy Classics - Apple Mint Tobacco Features: 60mL...
  • Coffee Creme Tobacco | Saucy Eliquid | 60ml

    Saucy Salts

    Coffee Creme Tobacco | Saucy Eliquid | 60ml

    Coffee Creme Tobacco by Saucy Classics is a complex dark roasted Colombian coffee blend with a rich silky crème to stimulates the soul. Saucy Classics - Coffee Creme Tobacco Features: 60mL Chubby Gorilla Bottle 70% VG 30% PG Made...
  • Tokyo Strawberry Mochi | Saucy Eliquid | 60ml

    Saucy Salts

    Tokyo Strawberry Mochi | Saucy Eliquid | 60ml

    Mochi Strawberry by Saucy E-Liquid is their rendition of a chewy rice flour mochi dessert infused with the sweetness of vine-ripened strawberries for a delectable dessert that will entertain the taste buds puff after puff.  Saucy E-Liquid...
  • Tokyo Chocolate Banana | Saucy Eliquid | 60ml

    Saucy Salts

    Tokyo Chocolate Banana | Saucy Eliquid | 60ml

    Tokyo Chocolate Banana by Saucy E-Liquid takes a sweetly ripened banana and envelopes it in a rich smooth creamy chocolate shell and reduces it to a vapable eJuice. Saucy E-Liquid - Tokyo Chocolate Banana Features:  60mL Chubby Unicorn...
  • Out of stock
    Tokyo Matcha Cake | Saucy Eliquid | 60ml Tokyo Matcha Cake | Saucy Eliquid | 60ml

    Saucy Salts

    Tokyo Matcha Cake | Saucy Eliquid | 60ml

    Flavor:Rich, satisfying flavor of Matcha with sweet, creamy cake, brining one of the most unique desserts to e-liquid form. 70% VG  