• Tropical Milkshake / BOV | Boosted Ejuice | 100ml

    Boosted Ejuice

    Tropical Milkshake / BOV | Boosted Ejuice | 100ml

     BOV from Boosted expertly balances a medley of 9 tropical fruits including peach, citrus, and coconut, with a myriad of other secret ingredients to create an e-liquid experience that's akin to a rainbow melting in your mouth. New notes will peek...
  • Souly Cannoli | 80v eLiquid  | 60ml Souly Cannoli | 80v eLiquid  | 60ml

    80v eLiquid

    Souly Cannoli | 80v eLiquid | 60ml

    MSRP: $21.95
    An intense blend of “Soul Custardy” by Beantown and “Cannoli Be One” with a delicious tiramisu finish. Our most complex and detailed flavor that leaves your customers craving more to discover all the notes and nuances. Primary...
    MSRP: $21.95
  • UniDEW | BLVK Unicorn | 60ml


    UniDEW | BLVK Unicorn | 60ml

    MSRP: $35.00
    Juicy honeydew melon chunks are combined with a plethora of mixed berries for a flavorful explosion that has never been experienced before!
    MSRP: $35.00
  • Ugly Butter | Bad Drip | 60ml

    Bad Drip Labs

    Ugly Butter | Bad Drip | 60ml

    Ugly Butter by Bad Drip Labs: they don’t call it ugly for nothing! Uncle Freddy’s famous, fancy fried dough, showered with carnival cultivated cinnamon-sugar, and serenaded with a cosby-quality banana pudding.    
  • Cereal Trip | Bad Drip | 60ml

    Bad Drip Labs

    Cereal Trip | Bad Drip | 60ml

    Conceived from the tear drops of crying clowns, Cereal Trip by Bad Drip Labs is your Daddy's favorite fruity cereal, slathered on top of a gooey frosted donut, drowning in a sugar-rich milk bath. I'm not screwing around when I tell you - no, exclaim to...
  • Bad Blood | Bad Drip | 60ml

    Bad Drip Labs

    Bad Blood | Bad Drip | 60ml

    Bad Blood by Bad Drip Labs features a crystalized blueberry extraction, spattered with the blood of a pomegranate, and hit off with a trace vanilla dusting. Every bit as amazing as it sounds!   **Please note: Bad Drip is currently experiencing a...
  • Pennywise  | CLOWN By Bad Drip | 60ml

    Clown Premium Liquids

    Pennywise | CLOWN By Bad Drip | 60ml

    MSRP: $24.00
    Pennywise by Clown Premium Liquids features stomped STRAWBERRY CLOWN snouts, twisted with pulverized WATERMELON guts, injected inside baby BUBBLEGUM balloon animals.
    MSRP: $24.00
  • Soul Custardy | Beantown Vapor by 80v eLiquid | 60ml Soul Custardy | Beantown Vapor by 80v eLiquid | 60ml

    Beantown Vapor

    Soul Custardy | Beantown Vapor by 80v eLiquid | 60ml

    MSRP: $21.95
    Smooth and flavorful defines Soul Custardy by Beantown Vapor: a vanilla custard with very subtle bourbon, graham cracker and butterscotch notes. Soul Custardy won the #3 spot for Best Eliquid for 2015 in the eCig Reviews public Poll. If you like custard...
    MSRP: $21.95
  • Oh Face | Beantown Vapor by 80v eLiquid | 60ml Oh Face | Beantown Vapor by 80v eLiquid | 60ml

    Beantown Vapor

    Oh Face | Beantown Vapor by 80v eLiquid | 60ml

    Oh Face by Beantown Vapor features creamy, ripe strawberries with additional complexity that will surely keep you guessing. Some say it tastes like Strawberry Quik, others liken it to a strawberry cream or pop tart.
  • Turbo Roar | Boosted Ejuice | 60ml

    Boosted Ejuice

    Turbo Roar | Boosted Ejuice | 60ml

    Two of the highest rated and award winning e-juice manufacturers came together to give you "Turbo Roar". Hand down, the best Lemon Custard that the industry has to offer. 60% VG